
A Word from Mike.....

The 2024 SBC Annual has come and gone, and even though I did not attend in person, I tuned in to as much of it as I could online. There appeared to be nothing happen that was particularly surprising to me. Typical resolutions were offered (some vitriolic) along with the continual expected attacks against several of the SBC agencies. It is interesting to me that some of the same people tend to bring the same issues to the gathering each year, with the same disinterested results. I don’t really know what to make of all of it; I don’t know the hearts and motives of those in the game, but I tend to become somewhat numb toward much of it.

On a brighter note, undoubtedly, the most stirring part of the meeting was the commissioning the 83 new IMB missionaries. I was moved to hear the calling and courage exhibited by these mostly young people; many of them who are knowingly and willingly giving up much to pursue the mission and calling of God. Some are going to such dangerous places that their names, faces, and voices cannot safely be revealed. May God use them and reward them greatly for their faithfulness and may the Kingdom of God be expanded and enriched because of them.

The primary work of missionaries, as with all who follow Christ is not to make converts, but to make disciples. The Great Commission (Mt. 28:19-20), to which we frequently appeal as our mission mandate, clearly calls for such. Decisions can be shallow and fleeting, but genuine discipleship calls for full surrender to the Master. In such difficult and evil days in which we live, we must not only be committed to the work of disciple-making, but also to the matters of praying and trusting for God to do what only He can do in drawing people to faith. WE cannot bring people to faith, but we can introduce them to THE ONE Who can. He knows everything about everyone and knows just how to bring them to Himself. (For a powerful example of the Lord’s knowing and drawing a person to faith, read about Jesus’ encounter with Nathanael in Jn. 1:35-50.) We don’t want to minimize our responsibility in the work of God, but if we want to see people truly come into saving relationships with Christ, we must implore and count on the ‘Lord of the Harvest’ to raise up laborers and to grip peoples’ hearts.

The main purpose and work of the church is to be about glorifying God and cooperating with Him in bringing disciples into His Kingdom. Let’s be about keeping the main things the main things!

