
A Word from Mike.....


The Southern Baptist Convention is currently dealing with numerous distractions, including the ongoing questions about sexual abuse and immoral behavior, as well as multiple lawsuits that are in the works. Most recently, the matter of executive salaries and financial transparency have surfaced and are causing many more questions and concerns. All of these need attention and if not resolved, could be destructive for the SBC, but these issues are not simply matters of behavior, but also matters of the heart.


In cautioning one against falling into the wiles of deceitful people, the writer of Proverbs provides an important principle to remember about all of us. He says, “…as he (a person) thinks within himself, so he is” (Prov. 23:7 NASB). The not so comfortable point is that what people (we) do ultimately reveals our character. Certainly, there can be lapses because of our inherent sinful nature, and disagreements in certain gray areas about what is right and wrong, but continual and consistent aberrations in regard to godly living and leadership tell volumes about us. Jesus took the matter to a deeper level and declared that our thoughts are just as revealing as our actions even when they do not conclude with devious actions.


I’m concerned that our emphasis on measuring (and maybe even aggrandizing) tangible results, even good results, has led us to elevate those who produce them to a celebrity-like status within our ranks. We then display their successes as standards for leadership and invite them to conferences so that we can learn from them and then emulate them in our own ministries. Not many can maintain a proper view of God’s role in ministry when we see ourselves and others as famous.


It is not bad to honor God’s servants, and even learn from those who are well gifted, but we need to be careful, for their sakes and ours, that we remember the real result-determiner (God), and always prioritize character in God’s servants above success.