
A Word from Mike.....


We’re closing out summer and headed (gladly) for the fall. Our churches have been extremely busy with VBS’s and camps, along with other ministry endeavors. This summer has allowed us to reflect on the value of having purchased our bus and having our van available for our churches to use. They have been on the road almost non-stop since June, and allow all of our churches to save money on ownership or rental fees for needed transportation. The only downside is that some have not been able to take advantage of them because multiple churches needed them at the same time, and we practice a ‘first come, first served’ policy. So, with that in mind, if you know you are going to want to use one of them in the days ahead, the sooner you get your name on our calendar the better. This is just one way the HBA can help all of our member churches. In addition, we are building a bus garage to house all of our vehicles and equipment. I am thankful for that facility, which should be finished soon. None of these things are meaningful, though, apart from being tools in building the Kingdom of God.

In addition to children and youth summer events, our Senior Adults also enjoyed a time of refreshment, challenge, fellowship, and great food during our August Sr. Adult revival services. Dr. Dubs Byers and Bro. Allan McKinley led our revival, and both were used significantly by the Lord. Thanks for Whispering Pines Cowboy Church and Humphrey Baptist Church for hosting two of our sessions. I’m also thankful that we have our HBA facility where we had our last session.

Ongoing are the two classes I teach for our pastors and others who desire to increase their ministry skills and share life with others in the group. One meets on Tuesday nights at 6:00 p.m. at the HBA office, and the other meets every other Wednesday night at 7:00 p.m. at Victory Baptist Church. Both groups are made up of brothers who are very serious about knowing and doing the things of God well. They are the highlights of my week. We are always about looking at scripture carefully and integrating them into practical life and ministry. We ask hard questions, share deep concerns and convictions, bear one another’s burdens…and always walk away stretched and challenged and, I hope, encouraged. We continue to add to the number attending, so come and join in; everyone is welcomed. And, if there is a need for more groups to meet, I will do all I can to accommodate.

I pray that, as the new school year begins, each of you will continue to stay focused on the things that matter most to God (I am reminding myself of this also). It is so easy to get, and maybe even stay distracted on the good things that may just not be the most important things. I am blessed to partner with you and always welcome opportunities to help and serve you.

May we finish the rest of 2024 well!
