A Word from Mike.....
At the beginning of each new year, it is natural to reflect on the things that have transpired in the previous year; evaluating their significance—the good, the bad, personal successes and blessings, as well as the pains and failures. We often evaluate our current status in life, and where we go from here. Most churches also do these things in attempts to seek the Lord and make plans for moving forward.
What do we do, though, when we go through this process and are left feeling bewildered or even defeated about what to do or where to go in the coming year? I know that some of our churches are in that place. You have tried everything you know to do, and just don’t know where to go from here. What should you do? Let me offer a few thoughts that I hope will help and encourage.
First, be careful NOT to measure success by mere outward progress. We as Baptists are very thoughtful on measuring the quantity related to our ministry, such as through the ACP and the like, but maybe not so in tuned with the quality of the ministry that we are doing. We can celebrate the numbers when they are increasing, but when we are doing all we know to do, we also need to find just as much joy when the numbers are lagging or even decreasing. The scriptures never tell us to focus on the measurable outcomes, but on those which are much more difficult to quantify. How do we measure spiritual growth, worship, discipleship, and fellowship? We might count how many services or offerings we provide for such things, but what is going on IN the people of God is much more important to God than what is happening in regard to logistics.
Second, if we believe that the suggestion above is true, then maybe we should adjust our emphases to reflect the things that are most important to God. This doesn’t mean that we don’t try to reach new people and see them come to Christ and (or) a part of our churches, but we focus on growing in the faith and personal relationships with God and one another…and let the Lord take care of the numbers. In Mt. 22, when asked about the greatest commandment in the Law, Jesus replied that it was to ‘love God and love people;’ with loving God being the very first priority.
Third, REST in the fact that you are doing what God desires. Believe that you ARE being successful and doing what God wants when you are doing what He has made priority, and enjoy the journey!
If we will be about these things, we will have the prospects of a new year that brings much glory to God and much peace and joy to us as His people! I know of nothing better than that!!