
A Word from Mike.....


I am thankful for the fellowship we enjoy in the HBA! It is a privilege to serve with a unified, fun group who are also very focused on the Lord and the ministry to which we are called. At our last Executive Board meeting, we had a couple of guests who presented some information to our pastors, and they mentioned to me several times that they attend a lot of executive board meetings, and they were emphatic about how our group made a powerful impression on them. The worship was moving, the discussions were light and fun, yet seriously about the things of God and His work. I say these things, not to boast, but to encourage and affirm you who serve Christ so faithfully within the HBA. I am blessed to share life with you.

Speaking of fellowship…our next time of fellowship together will be at Cane Creek on May 21. Bring your fishing poles (and boats if you like), and a good appetite. We always have a good time and lots of food! Then on June 18 we will plan to have another lunch at the HBA office. Plan to come for a more food and sharing about all that God is doing in and around us.

Each of you is vital to the times we share together. You may not feel that you need them, but your input is important. Something you say may be the very thing that God will use to help a brother or sister continue on in difficult times, or to make needed adjustments to their life or ministry. Please don’t undervalue the impact you can have, or the impact others might have on you. WE REALLY DO NEED EACH OTHER—by God’s design. So, let’s continue to build each other up; it’s good for us…and always a lot of fun. That makes it even better!

